Personality Hacker Podcast (PHQ | Questions From Community)

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question from an ISTP about being able to speak intuitive language and enjoy intuitive conversation with her INTJ sister.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about better communication between his ENTJ stepmom and INFJ girlfriend.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about testing out as both an Intuitive and Sensor.



In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about when understanding of personality type stops being useful.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about how personality types show up unhealthy.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about how Intuitive Thinker women express feminine energy.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about how to engage the 10-year-old cognitive function in play.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about polarities in the cognitive functions.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about FP types and NF types and why they are not often portrayed as the bad guys in movies.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about growing in maturity at an exponential rate.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a listener question about transforming from an ESTJ to an ESFP.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about uncovering the personality type of your baby or small child.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about judging vs perceiving organization.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about ENTJ vs INTJ.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about how introverts can develop their extraverted co-pilot process without getting overwhelmed.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about ENFJ and ESFJ relationship challenges.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about ENFJ and ISFP relationship challenges.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from an INFP listener about coming out as other types on personality tests.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about using all the cognitive functions equally in our personalities.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about how to find a coach or mentor for personal growth.

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about how INTJs can deal with xxFP types (ENFP, INFP, ESFP, ISFP).

In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from a listener about how the Perspectives (Ni) process shows up in all the NJ types.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from an INTJ listener about how to help an ENTP organize their work life.


PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the difference between Extraverted Feeling ("Harmony") and Extraverted Thinking ("Effectiveness").


PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about creating a simple technique for incremental personal growth.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about INFJs being the rarest type.


PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about Introverted Intuition ("Perspectives") being used by an INFJ vs INTJ.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question from an INFP about being friends with an ESTJ.


PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about personalities in children and how early you can tell a child's type.


PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs ENTP and how to tell them apart.

Direct download:
Category:PHQ | Questions From Community -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about how different types respond to athletic pressure.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the difference between introverted and extraverted energies in children.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about intuitive thinkers and emotions.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs INFP.

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Category:PHQ | Questions From Community -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about setting boundaries as an ENFJ.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about intuitive parents raising sensor children.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about personality types - ethics - IQ - and Emotional Intelligence.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about getting into action as an INFJ.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about intuitives and "rules."

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about music type theory and the idea of having a donation button on the Personality Hacker website.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about how a feeler man can romance a thinker woman.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about how to determine if your dominant cognitive function is developed.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about generations and personality types.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about INFJ personality relationships and two INFJs in a romantic relationship.

In this episode Joel and Antonia discuss how someone using Introverted Feeling (Authenticity) can better communicate with someone using Introverted Thinking (Accuracy).

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about cognitive function exercises that can help you figure out your personality type.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about ENFJ vs INFJ in a relationship.

Direct download:
Category:PHQ | Questions From Community -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about cognitive function positions and how they affect personality.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about the personality of the Highly Sensitive Person.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about the scientific validity of Myers Briggs.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about depression and personality test results.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about INTP vs ENTJ.

Direct download:
Category:PHQ | Questions From Community -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about trauma and personality tests.

PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia answer a question about shadow personality types.

Direct download:
Category:PHQ | Questions From Community -- posted at: 8:00am EDT